Vanessa/Heather Woodhead & Scooter

In 2013 Scooter (Welsh Sec D) came to us as a very nervous 3 year old having ended up at the sales and been passed around in a short space of time. Earlier this year his education was started and it soon became apparent that there were underlying issues causing him to bolt and panic when been mounted and dismounted. This was becoming a dangerous and traumatic experience for both horse and rider and we were at a loss at what best to do next. I had heard good things about Guy and we attended one of his coffee mornings to watch him work on mounting with a couple of horses. Guy then came out to have a session working with Scooter. It was fascinating to watch how in such a short space of time Scooter clicked with Guy through his quiet and effective approach. We decided between us it was best to send Scooter away to Guys to work on the problems we were having. Guy was very accommodating and I visited one evening a week to watch Scooter been worked, he worked wonders with him in such a short space of time. It was touching to see this once anxious pony to be stood relaxed in just a halter whilst been mounted and dismounted. Before Scooter came home I had a session working with him with Guy so I was happy mounting/dismounting. The first week with Scooter back home we had a few teething issues but Guy was always at the end of the phone to offer advice and came out to help us the following weekend. Since then we haven’t looked back, I now have a happy confident horse who I can continue his education as getting on and off is no longer the issue it once was. I wouldn’t hesitate to send another horse to Guy for backing or problem solving, without his help Scooter wouldn’t be where he is today. Thankyou, Heather.
Nicola Mellor & Cypher

Just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the progress that my horse has made after his two week stay with Guy. I love the way it is called problem solving as it really is just that, giving my horse (and me!) the opportunity to figure things out in a positive way. There was a huge benefit in me being part of the process in the second week so that I could re-learn my behaviours as well, meaning that when I got home I knew how to put the tools Guy has given me into practice. I needed my horse to learn to stay in the lorry whilst I shut the partition, Guy is somewhat taller than me with much longer arms, so he taught my horse (and me) with a method that took this into consideration. (I just wish supermarkets would do the same!) So, a week in, and I have had a couple of practice sessions on my own at home, which I have been really pleased with, as controlling my own nervousness is a huge part of this learning for me, and appreciating that it going to take a good 12months to get totally solid. As much as I really didn't want my horse to go away from home, it was totally the right decision to make and I am delighted with the progress. I can't wait to return for a Horsemanship day which I never would have been able to do before.
Carol Crone & Garce - Horsemanship Training Day (2 Days)

I was apprehensive about what to expect as I am all about dressage and schooling and my horse is not a happy hacker, however, I do like to hack so having read what Guy offers thought I would give it a go and I am so pleased I did. My horse showed her true colours out hacking which I am pleased about so Guy could see how she behaves and how I react outside. Guy talked me through how to ride her and I actually stayed on which I had to dig deep to do as it would have been easier to get off! I also did some ground work and some schooling exercises which I am continuing and i can feel the difference in terms of softness and responsiveness when ridden. I have also tested her outside and I managed her behaviour using the exercises Guy taught me. I will continue to work with Guy as it complements my classical riding and gives us some variation. His approach and manner is very calm and quiet and I was impressed with his skills as a horseman.
Julie Doorne & Sam - Horsemanship Training Day (2 Days)

Horsemanship Training Day - Feedback/Review from Julie Doorne
I was at Guys for two of his ‘Horsemanship Training Days’. It was a cold wet day but ‘rain didn’t stop play’. I didn’t arrive until lunchtime but we got training under way quickly.. I rode with Guy in the ménage, he reminded me of the exercises I already knew and helped me get them right. I have been very nervous of late, having had a bit of an accident a while ago. Guy is very quiet and always gave me time to pluck up my courage.
On day two we hacked out together, this being one of the things that made me most nervous. Putting into practice some of the moves Guy suggested I found I was more comfortable than I had been in ages, especially in the big open spaces. Back to the yard and coffee, then I watched Guy with three different horses working in the round pen. All the time Guy was explaining what he was doing and why and how this could relate to what I wanted to achieve. Then more coffee to warm up and into the ménage. Guy worked three horses ridden and demonstrated how to do each move, so I could see how it should be done and then try it myself. He was giving me lots of ideas of what to do when we got home. I finished on a huge high when from out of nowhere; I found the courage to canter in the ménage!
Having Guy on a one to one was special; to do this for two days was just brilliant. I cannot wait until I can do it again, Next time he said, we will work in the field (and maybe I will summon up the courage to canter on grass!)
An added bonus was the lovely photos Victoria took of Sam and I…
Thank you so much Victoria and Guy, see you very soon.
I was at Guys for two of his ‘Horsemanship Training Days’. It was a cold wet day but ‘rain didn’t stop play’. I didn’t arrive until lunchtime but we got training under way quickly.. I rode with Guy in the ménage, he reminded me of the exercises I already knew and helped me get them right. I have been very nervous of late, having had a bit of an accident a while ago. Guy is very quiet and always gave me time to pluck up my courage.
On day two we hacked out together, this being one of the things that made me most nervous. Putting into practice some of the moves Guy suggested I found I was more comfortable than I had been in ages, especially in the big open spaces. Back to the yard and coffee, then I watched Guy with three different horses working in the round pen. All the time Guy was explaining what he was doing and why and how this could relate to what I wanted to achieve. Then more coffee to warm up and into the ménage. Guy worked three horses ridden and demonstrated how to do each move, so I could see how it should be done and then try it myself. He was giving me lots of ideas of what to do when we got home. I finished on a huge high when from out of nowhere; I found the courage to canter in the ménage!
Having Guy on a one to one was special; to do this for two days was just brilliant. I cannot wait until I can do it again, Next time he said, we will work in the field (and maybe I will summon up the courage to canter on grass!)
An added bonus was the lovely photos Victoria took of Sam and I…
Thank you so much Victoria and Guy, see you very soon.
Marianne & Truffles - Starting

Guy took my 6 year old Thoroughbred mare for backing earlier this year. She has always been a busy minded horse and was also very firmly pair bonded with my other youngster and so to say I was worried about her going was an understatement! From the second she arrived at Guy's I knew we'd made the right decision for her - Guy handled her calmly, patiently and always gave her options. She took a few days to settle in and the first time we visited I was really impressed with Guy's honesty - that honesty never faltered the entire time she was with him. There was never any impression that she was better than she was, just the truthful opinion that she had come a long way (which she definitely has!) but that she is very busy in the mind and so much of the work Guy has encouraged us to do focuses on keeping her attention, encouraging her to soften and accept what you are asking of her. Since coming home she has been an absolute pleasure - easier to deal with in
the field, easier to handle from the ground and an absolute pleasure to ride. We have a long way to go - I never expected a grand prix dressage horse to come home - just a horse with a good, solid understanding of the basics of ridden life and that is certainly what she has. Everything Guy has done has provided a fabulous grounding education for her which has set her up for life and I look forward to working with both my mare and also Guy to continue that education. I can't thank him and Victoria enough, or his wonderful grooms who put up with her messy stable ways! It's safe to say when my other youngster is ready for starting I know who I'll be calling on!
Guy took my 6 year old Thoroughbred mare for backing earlier this year. She has always been a busy minded horse and was also very firmly pair bonded with my other youngster and so to say I was worried about her going was an understatement! From the second she arrived at Guy's I knew we'd made the right decision for her - Guy handled her calmly, patiently and always gave her options. She took a few days to settle in and the first time we visited I was really impressed with Guy's honesty - that honesty never faltered the entire time she was with him. There was never any impression that she was better than she was, just the truthful opinion that she had come a long way (which she definitely has!) but that she is very busy in the mind and so much of the work Guy has encouraged us to do focuses on keeping her attention, encouraging her to soften and accept what you are asking of her. Since coming home she has been an absolute pleasure - easier to deal with in
the field, easier to handle from the ground and an absolute pleasure to ride. We have a long way to go - I never expected a grand prix dressage horse to come home - just a horse with a good, solid understanding of the basics of ridden life and that is certainly what she has. Everything Guy has done has provided a fabulous grounding education for her which has set her up for life and I look forward to working with both my mare and also Guy to continue that education. I can't thank him and Victoria enough, or his wonderful grooms who put up with her messy stable ways! It's safe to say when my other youngster is ready for starting I know who I'll be calling on!
Jax Brett and Merlin

Merlin – the story of the Legend.
In March 2010 I went to see a friend who had told me about a horse they had brought from the sales. This horse was completely unbroken; you could not get near it, they were at a loss of what to do with it and were going to send it back to the sales. I looked over the stable door and the kindest eyes in the most beautiful face turned and looked at me. That was the moment – this horse was special. This beauty shot off the back of the wagon like a bullet, and this was when my first bout of nerves and doubt arrived. However, this horse deserved a chance, this was his last one, so let’s give it a go. Every time I saw him I was amazed that a horse could stir such emotion in me – I wanted to do right by him as you could tell there was not an evil bone in his body, he was just immensely confused. I spent hours with him, never being able to get near him, touch him, stroke him. This drove me to distraction, and many a time I was sitting by the stables crying my eyes out, not knowing what to do. I discovered that everything made him jump. We eventually had the herding from the field into the stable every night and vice versa in the morning down to a steady sedate walk behind me instead of the charging rhino of his first few days. But there was still a huge barrier he would not let down, he would not trust me, and I could not trust him.
Once he was settled into a routine I had to address the issue of his dreadful feet – he desperately needed the farrier from the moment I got him. I could still not get a headcollar on him easily (I think the quickest was 2 days!!), could not lead him, get near him with any form of rope, hold him. So I rang a vet I had heard about, being Vincenzo Franco, and asked if he could do a scene out of an Africa wildlife programme and basically dart him!! Vince came out, with his customary dungarees and clogs (my farrier was doubled up with laughter struggling to breathe at this point!!) and armed with a syringe and three broken polos. I had my doubts!! Vince walked into the stable and came back out again after 10 minutes stating “the lion is in the cage”, and sure enough he had intravenously injected the sedative into Merlin. My farrier was open mouthed with shock, and had to be nudged into action. At this point Vince mentioned this guy who worked with horses, breaking and starting, where he was based, called Guy Robertson. Merlin was booked in to go to a ‘traditional’ breaker 2 days later, but having seen Vince with Merlin, I rang Guy and that afternoon went down to the yard and spoke with him. I had not ever used natural horsemanship, and was something I was not knowledgeable about at all. Five minutes into meeting Guy and my mind was made up – Merlin was going there.
So, Merlin was herded onto my friends wagon and reversed up to Guys big barn. Again he fired off the wagon and to the furthest most point to eye us all with great trepidation. I had every faith in Guy, and slowly watched his progress with Merlin. This was slow; Merlin would not give an inch or let anyone or anything into his head. But, even he conceded that there was something special about Merlin – his presence and spirit. But.....Guy could only get so far and then was met with this barrier. Guy works almost in silence, he is fascinating to watch – here’s all of us constantly talking to our horses when it isn’t needed, he’s talking with his body. He persisted, thought of new ways to try and communicate with Merlin, and break down these barriers. A lot of people would have given up, but not Guy. His persistence paid off, and I was riding Merlin round Guys arena – that was an amazing day. This little horse who I love with all my heart, was walking around the arena with me on his back. When I thought back to how he was, the endless sleepless nights I had worrying about him and what I could do, and here we were. So, Merlin came home.
Then he went back! Merlin will always be slightly quirky, it’s the welsh trait I guess, but at the time of his home coming he was still very quirky and jumpy, and things had to be done slowly and repeatedly. We had a few months of brilliant wondrous days out hacking, where every time I was thankful for Guy and the time and effort he had put into him. However, my error resulted in me having a horrid fall from him and damaging my back. I could not ride, and my confidence was shattered – I did not want to ride him. This broke my heart but I could not get over it. Merlin was an absolute treasure on the ground, I could do anything with him, but I just couldn’t bring myself to get on him. I returned to Guy and we decided Merlin should come back for a little more training, which went well and Merlin came back home shortly after I had worked with him at Guys. Things were going well, then yet again I came off. I was distraught, and made the decision to send him back and advertise him – he deserved someone better than me who had the confidence and patience he needed. A few people came to see him, but alas no one wanted him. I was on an emotionally rollercoaster the whole time – I did not want this beautiful little horse to go out of my life, but I could not get over this invisible barrier between us in relation to the riding. When it was clear the market was just not ready for Merlin (!) my friend Mandi decided to start riding him, and worked with Guy to talk Merlin talk so he could come back home. As soon as I brought him home I felt complete again, and know that I could never sell this horse.
That was in May 2012. Since then Merlin has finally matured and chilled out completely. He now trusts both me and Mandi completely, and we can do absolutely anything with him. He can be left in the field for months, then caught up, tacked up and taken straight out with absolutely no issues at all. The foundation Guy has set in that horse is amazing – instead of freaking out and spinning and running he now just gives a little jump and waits for guidance from you. How Guy has managed to get the flight out of a flight animal without destroying its spirit is beyond me, but I am so grateful. Merlin is an absolute credit to Guy – no-one who did not see Merlin on that first day would believe this is the same little horse. Guy was patient with both Merlin and I, and I think we have both tested him though this journey. It’s a journey too that has not ended, we always need to keep learning, as Merlin has taught me and has taught Guy that too. I don’t think anyone who does not like or appreciate horses can fully understand the complete feeling of joy of being around an animal that trusts you and wants to please you unconditionally with no hidden motive or malice. It is a feeling like no other. Merlin is so special to me, I could never sell this little chap, he makes me smile every day, and still looks at me with those beautiful eyes in the manner he did that first day. I have no doubt now, having been though what we have, had I sent Merlin to a traditional breakers he would have been deemed dangerous and destroyed. I gave him a last chance and he is repaying me one hundred fold, all thanks to the work of Guy. If anyone has any issues with their horses, no matter how minor, speak to Guy – everything he says makes sense and seems so obvious when you think about it - the traditional ways we are brought up with at riding schools as children aren’t always the right way for your particular horse, they are animals and all different. I will forever be in dept to Guy for what he has done for Merlin and for me, and will continue to learn from, and support, him. Because of Guy I now have a better relationship with all my horses.
In March 2010 I went to see a friend who had told me about a horse they had brought from the sales. This horse was completely unbroken; you could not get near it, they were at a loss of what to do with it and were going to send it back to the sales. I looked over the stable door and the kindest eyes in the most beautiful face turned and looked at me. That was the moment – this horse was special. This beauty shot off the back of the wagon like a bullet, and this was when my first bout of nerves and doubt arrived. However, this horse deserved a chance, this was his last one, so let’s give it a go. Every time I saw him I was amazed that a horse could stir such emotion in me – I wanted to do right by him as you could tell there was not an evil bone in his body, he was just immensely confused. I spent hours with him, never being able to get near him, touch him, stroke him. This drove me to distraction, and many a time I was sitting by the stables crying my eyes out, not knowing what to do. I discovered that everything made him jump. We eventually had the herding from the field into the stable every night and vice versa in the morning down to a steady sedate walk behind me instead of the charging rhino of his first few days. But there was still a huge barrier he would not let down, he would not trust me, and I could not trust him.
Once he was settled into a routine I had to address the issue of his dreadful feet – he desperately needed the farrier from the moment I got him. I could still not get a headcollar on him easily (I think the quickest was 2 days!!), could not lead him, get near him with any form of rope, hold him. So I rang a vet I had heard about, being Vincenzo Franco, and asked if he could do a scene out of an Africa wildlife programme and basically dart him!! Vince came out, with his customary dungarees and clogs (my farrier was doubled up with laughter struggling to breathe at this point!!) and armed with a syringe and three broken polos. I had my doubts!! Vince walked into the stable and came back out again after 10 minutes stating “the lion is in the cage”, and sure enough he had intravenously injected the sedative into Merlin. My farrier was open mouthed with shock, and had to be nudged into action. At this point Vince mentioned this guy who worked with horses, breaking and starting, where he was based, called Guy Robertson. Merlin was booked in to go to a ‘traditional’ breaker 2 days later, but having seen Vince with Merlin, I rang Guy and that afternoon went down to the yard and spoke with him. I had not ever used natural horsemanship, and was something I was not knowledgeable about at all. Five minutes into meeting Guy and my mind was made up – Merlin was going there.
So, Merlin was herded onto my friends wagon and reversed up to Guys big barn. Again he fired off the wagon and to the furthest most point to eye us all with great trepidation. I had every faith in Guy, and slowly watched his progress with Merlin. This was slow; Merlin would not give an inch or let anyone or anything into his head. But, even he conceded that there was something special about Merlin – his presence and spirit. But.....Guy could only get so far and then was met with this barrier. Guy works almost in silence, he is fascinating to watch – here’s all of us constantly talking to our horses when it isn’t needed, he’s talking with his body. He persisted, thought of new ways to try and communicate with Merlin, and break down these barriers. A lot of people would have given up, but not Guy. His persistence paid off, and I was riding Merlin round Guys arena – that was an amazing day. This little horse who I love with all my heart, was walking around the arena with me on his back. When I thought back to how he was, the endless sleepless nights I had worrying about him and what I could do, and here we were. So, Merlin came home.
Then he went back! Merlin will always be slightly quirky, it’s the welsh trait I guess, but at the time of his home coming he was still very quirky and jumpy, and things had to be done slowly and repeatedly. We had a few months of brilliant wondrous days out hacking, where every time I was thankful for Guy and the time and effort he had put into him. However, my error resulted in me having a horrid fall from him and damaging my back. I could not ride, and my confidence was shattered – I did not want to ride him. This broke my heart but I could not get over it. Merlin was an absolute treasure on the ground, I could do anything with him, but I just couldn’t bring myself to get on him. I returned to Guy and we decided Merlin should come back for a little more training, which went well and Merlin came back home shortly after I had worked with him at Guys. Things were going well, then yet again I came off. I was distraught, and made the decision to send him back and advertise him – he deserved someone better than me who had the confidence and patience he needed. A few people came to see him, but alas no one wanted him. I was on an emotionally rollercoaster the whole time – I did not want this beautiful little horse to go out of my life, but I could not get over this invisible barrier between us in relation to the riding. When it was clear the market was just not ready for Merlin (!) my friend Mandi decided to start riding him, and worked with Guy to talk Merlin talk so he could come back home. As soon as I brought him home I felt complete again, and know that I could never sell this horse.
That was in May 2012. Since then Merlin has finally matured and chilled out completely. He now trusts both me and Mandi completely, and we can do absolutely anything with him. He can be left in the field for months, then caught up, tacked up and taken straight out with absolutely no issues at all. The foundation Guy has set in that horse is amazing – instead of freaking out and spinning and running he now just gives a little jump and waits for guidance from you. How Guy has managed to get the flight out of a flight animal without destroying its spirit is beyond me, but I am so grateful. Merlin is an absolute credit to Guy – no-one who did not see Merlin on that first day would believe this is the same little horse. Guy was patient with both Merlin and I, and I think we have both tested him though this journey. It’s a journey too that has not ended, we always need to keep learning, as Merlin has taught me and has taught Guy that too. I don’t think anyone who does not like or appreciate horses can fully understand the complete feeling of joy of being around an animal that trusts you and wants to please you unconditionally with no hidden motive or malice. It is a feeling like no other. Merlin is so special to me, I could never sell this little chap, he makes me smile every day, and still looks at me with those beautiful eyes in the manner he did that first day. I have no doubt now, having been though what we have, had I sent Merlin to a traditional breakers he would have been deemed dangerous and destroyed. I gave him a last chance and he is repaying me one hundred fold, all thanks to the work of Guy. If anyone has any issues with their horses, no matter how minor, speak to Guy – everything he says makes sense and seems so obvious when you think about it - the traditional ways we are brought up with at riding schools as children aren’t always the right way for your particular horse, they are animals and all different. I will forever be in dept to Guy for what he has done for Merlin and for me, and will continue to learn from, and support, him. Because of Guy I now have a better relationship with all my horses.
Horsemanship Demonstration, Billinghay
I was at the demo you did at field farm billinghay this sunday and told you of a problem I was having with hacking my mare, You gave me some advice about not using my legs but using the reins side to side to move the feet untill she moves forward, up to this point i had been unable to get her to leave the yard without tantrums and dangerous behaviour, however, this morning I tacked her up did 5 minutes ground work moving her around etc, then climbed on, she planted as normal, so I went to work with your techniques within seconds she moved forward and continued up the lane, she stopped a few times so again applied the technique and of we went again, We ended up going up and down 3 times each time she was more confident and relaxed as was I. I spent probably about 30 minutes on board and most of this she was moving forward. I am so pleased and positive for the future now and will continue to build on this until we are confidently hacking around the village. Thankyou so much for your advice and I look forward to taking part in the clinic at our yard in the future.
Lisa Smeeth
Lisa Smeeth
Joanna Brooke & Reuben, East Yorkshire

My mum and I had been considering buying a young horse for a few months when we saw Reuben on a website. Black with four white socks, he was our ideal looking horse. Because we needed a good quality dressage horse, but had limited funds we decided to buy him. This was March 2012 and Reuben was 2. When we got him home, life was good. He was well behaved and settled with my other horse who immediately took to nannying him.
However, after a few weeks, the honey moon period was over. There were a few instances where this normally quiet horse just got really mum getting flattened and kicked whilst I was on holiday being one example. I didn't think much of it and thought I would easily sort it when I returned...well I had horses for over 20 years and nothing scared me on the floor. How wrong was I! It soon became apparent that Reuben was not scared of anything and had no respect for humans as he hadn't been correctly handled as a yearling.
I decided to try the Young Horse handling clinic last July. This was my first experience of natural horsemanship. That day was an eye opener for me. Not only did Reuben try to kick Guy, but he nearly took the stable down. Guy was not fazed and kept a calm but firm line with him. This day proved to both mum and I that we weren't dealing with an average horse.
We completed the day and went home ready to practice all we learnt. It soon became apparent though that Reuben wasn't going down without a fight. After another couple of private lessons with Guy I was slowly getting confidence. Then the worst day happened. We were practising the techniques, but I was doing something wrong. Somehow the session spiralled to a point where Reuben purposely pushed me to the floor - there was no way I was getting away without ending up there. Luckily he stepped over me. I was physically sick and now really scared. I rang Victoria in floods of tears and it was decided Reuben would go to Guy for a week. That week I saw an amazing difference in him. He looked more relaxed and when I worked with him, I could get him to lunge without trying to knock me over.
A few months went by, and things got progressively better. However, when anyone else tried to deal with Reuben because they didn't know the techniques he turned on them. I didn't trust anyone to deal with him apart from me which meant I was shattered and at times I hated him, but I had faith we would get there!
In March this year, Reuben returned to Guy to be backed and I can say we've never looked back. Within a few days he was cantering under saddle, and his attitude quickly improved. I sat on him in week 6 and despite being tentative, Guy took it at my pace, giving me loads of confidence.
During the time Reuben was there, we were lucky to be offered the opportunity to stay on livery and soon moved my other horse there too.
This was the best move for us all. Reuben gets the consistent handling he needs, we get the support we need and all 4 of us are extremely happy and my mum has even started riding again.
I didn't think that anyone could look after my horses how I did (I did DIY for over 20 years), but my boys are treated as individuals....I know I drive Guy and Victoria mad with my rug guidance and Guy jokes he's constantly checking his iphone for the forecasts but it's always spot on!
Reuben and I are now 60 or so rides into our relationship. We've cantered, hacked out and just completed our first horsemanship clinic last week where we confidently rode with 6 other horses....not bad for a just 3 year old....I am so excited about our future and look forward to everyday we spend together :)
I would urge anyone, who has issues or who wants their horse starting to contact Guy and Victoria. I don't think we'd still have a certain young man if we hadn't!!
Natural Horsemanship Charity Demonstration, South Yorkshire

Thank you for everyone's support, we raised £215 for Thornberry Animal Sanctuary and £110 for the Northern Racing College Charity. Cheers Guy
'An excellent night! On behalf of Thornberry I would like to say a huge thankyou to Guy Robertson and Victoria for the demo they did for us and to The Northern Racing College for allowing the use of their arena. A fantastic £215 was raised tonight for Thornberry! Thankyou to everyone who attended I hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did, we really appreciate your support!' Rachel.
'Great night, very informative and has inspired me to start again with my youngest horse. Many thanks' Clare
'It was brilliant really enjoyed it' Andrea
'An excellent night! On behalf of Thornberry I would like to say a huge thankyou to Guy Robertson and Victoria for the demo they did for us and to The Northern Racing College for allowing the use of their arena. A fantastic £215 was raised tonight for Thornberry! Thankyou to everyone who attended I hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did, we really appreciate your support!' Rachel.
'Great night, very informative and has inspired me to start again with my youngest horse. Many thanks' Clare
'It was brilliant really enjoyed it' Andrea
Helen Hauschild and Fez, Race Horse to Riding Horse

'I took Fez my 10 year old ex-race horse to Guy Robertson for 2 week for re-schooling to take him from a race horse to a riding horse. I had issues with him not stopping and wanting to run in open spaces, which is fine for racing but not a good thing on a hack when I asked for canter or trot. He's been back home around a month and after doing what Guy told me to do in the school I can now do this in an open field and feel safe and in control. Still working hard with him doin lots of schooling.'
Ruth Carr Racing - Ruby Glass

Ruby Glass had always been ridden in blinkers by his previous trainer as he had been difficult and nervous to break in as a youngster. We gave him one run and turned him away to give him time to mature physically and mentally. When we came to get him back into training again he was still very difficult so we sent him to Guy Robertson for a month.
We went to pick Ruby up yesterday and watched Guy work with him. Then we swapped Guy's "American tack" for our traditional race exercise gear and Ryan rode him under Guy's instruction. Ruby was as good as gold! This morning Ruby has been on the gallop without any problems and we are delighted with the work Guy has done. Ruth Car -
We went to pick Ruby up yesterday and watched Guy work with him. Then we swapped Guy's "American tack" for our traditional race exercise gear and Ryan rode him under Guy's instruction. Ruby was as good as gold! This morning Ruby has been on the gallop without any problems and we are delighted with the work Guy has done. Ruth Car -
Melanie Cooper and Reggie, East Yorkshire

Having ridden since I was 7 years of age ( i'm now 47!) acquiring a lovely 18hh (plus!) Pure Irish Draught gelding I honestly thought I would have no problems when purchasing him! I own and ride other horses and have always been of the opinion that 'put me on any horse and i'll ride it'
Then Reggie came along!!!! Bred for the show ring, and winning or reserve champion in every in-hand all over the place at county level, he had the real wow factor for me and I fell in love. That was April 2012 when i bought him as a 5 yr old broken in but never hacked out only been on his yard or in a show ring. No problem .......I thought...........I was so wrong.
He was not nasty, or vicious, or wild to ride. Nothing that you could put a finger on, but I also couldn't ride him out on his own. He would plant himself and refuse to go forward and backed up regardless of what was behind him. I wouldn't call it napping as he sometimes did it after an hours ride and heading for home. No apparent reasons, nothing I could pin point. It took 3 of us to get him near a mounting block so that I could get on! All the time he wasn't nasty he just new that with his size no one could make do it, there was just no forcing him.
Has anyone else felt physically sick at the thought of getting on their own horse? Well I have. Has anyone dreaded tacking up their own horse? Well I did.
I even thought of selling him on.
I saw Guy doing a demonstration at Selby Game Fair 2012 and although I was amazed at what he was doing with the horse in the ring, I will be honest now I walked away and said to my husband 'He's probably had that horse years and they both know each other inside out, I bet he couldn't do that with Reggie!' How wrong could I have been!
I knew Reggie didn't respond to a smack with the whip, riding with spurs didn't help, shouting and getting wound up with Reggie didn't work either.
December 2012 I finally plucked up the courage to contact Guy.
After a lengthy phone conversation with Guy, we arranged for him to see me riding in my own area, unfortunately it was heavy snow that day but standing outside Reggie's stable discussing him, Guy advised me to book Reggie in for training as his attitude to me over the stable door was showing his total disrespect of him towards me. I had adjusted my way of dealing with Reggie to suit Reggie. If Reggie moved I got out of his way, if he banged his head about I would take a step back. Guy had picked up straight away that Reggie was ruling me.
Reggie spent 4 weeks with Guy. He went back to basics with him and re educated Reggie with spacial awareness and manners etc.
I wept after the first week of him being there. I couldn't believe the change in Reggie's attitude, he was so laid back and enjoying everything Guy was asking of him. The day I went to bring him home Reggie performed in the coffee morning (he likes a crowd!) and I was overwhelmed with the positive comments I received as his owner.
Reggie is now home and has been for over a month and I can honestly say I have no fear around him any more. He is a pleasure to own, he is not intimidating any longer and he really is a lovely ride. Anybody doubting Natural Horsemanship ( as I maybe did!) and they have problems with their horses that they can't solve, it really works. (I've been out and bought a yearling now so that will be going to clinics soon!)
I big THANK YOU from Melanie and The Prince Regent (Reggie)
Then Reggie came along!!!! Bred for the show ring, and winning or reserve champion in every in-hand all over the place at county level, he had the real wow factor for me and I fell in love. That was April 2012 when i bought him as a 5 yr old broken in but never hacked out only been on his yard or in a show ring. No problem .......I thought...........I was so wrong.
He was not nasty, or vicious, or wild to ride. Nothing that you could put a finger on, but I also couldn't ride him out on his own. He would plant himself and refuse to go forward and backed up regardless of what was behind him. I wouldn't call it napping as he sometimes did it after an hours ride and heading for home. No apparent reasons, nothing I could pin point. It took 3 of us to get him near a mounting block so that I could get on! All the time he wasn't nasty he just new that with his size no one could make do it, there was just no forcing him.
Has anyone else felt physically sick at the thought of getting on their own horse? Well I have. Has anyone dreaded tacking up their own horse? Well I did.
I even thought of selling him on.
I saw Guy doing a demonstration at Selby Game Fair 2012 and although I was amazed at what he was doing with the horse in the ring, I will be honest now I walked away and said to my husband 'He's probably had that horse years and they both know each other inside out, I bet he couldn't do that with Reggie!' How wrong could I have been!
I knew Reggie didn't respond to a smack with the whip, riding with spurs didn't help, shouting and getting wound up with Reggie didn't work either.
December 2012 I finally plucked up the courage to contact Guy.
After a lengthy phone conversation with Guy, we arranged for him to see me riding in my own area, unfortunately it was heavy snow that day but standing outside Reggie's stable discussing him, Guy advised me to book Reggie in for training as his attitude to me over the stable door was showing his total disrespect of him towards me. I had adjusted my way of dealing with Reggie to suit Reggie. If Reggie moved I got out of his way, if he banged his head about I would take a step back. Guy had picked up straight away that Reggie was ruling me.
Reggie spent 4 weeks with Guy. He went back to basics with him and re educated Reggie with spacial awareness and manners etc.
I wept after the first week of him being there. I couldn't believe the change in Reggie's attitude, he was so laid back and enjoying everything Guy was asking of him. The day I went to bring him home Reggie performed in the coffee morning (he likes a crowd!) and I was overwhelmed with the positive comments I received as his owner.
Reggie is now home and has been for over a month and I can honestly say I have no fear around him any more. He is a pleasure to own, he is not intimidating any longer and he really is a lovely ride. Anybody doubting Natural Horsemanship ( as I maybe did!) and they have problems with their horses that they can't solve, it really works. (I've been out and bought a yearling now so that will be going to clinics soon!)
I big THANK YOU from Melanie and The Prince Regent (Reggie)
Gemma Bateman & Lady, Epworth (update)

Confidence Building
It is now seven months since I first sent Lady to Guy, and I have achieved more than I ever could have ever wished for.
When I was first originally introduced to natural horsemanship, I understood the exercises, and really saw results with my mare, but I didn’t quite understand the theory behind it. With time I began to grasp the concept and horse psychology, whichis a major part of the process. Lady understood from day one, which is why Guys work is massively effective, but the unexpected change has been in me and my horsemanship techniques and relationship with Lady. At the time, I couldn’t see my flaws, but now I can see things in black and white and even if the accident hadn’t happened that day, it would have happened somewhere along the line.
Lady’s education was rushed and had massive holes; she wasn’t ready for the things I was asking her to do, when the basics weren’t there in the first place.
I now apply Guys techniques in many instances with many different horses. It has boosted my confidence and it’s much safer to deal with equines while using these simple methods.
I had always thought I had achieved a bond with my horse, some sort of relationship, but now I see something different. When I communicate with Lady she understands what I want, or with new things she attempts to please, we work in harmony, although I don’t quite manage it like Guy yet! She trusts me when I put her in a number of different situations, and has never put a foot wrong. I hack her out confidently, alone and with company, we went out on the gallops and raced our friends without a second thought, which is something I wouldn’t have dreamt of even before my accident. I have taken her out schooling at the northern racing college, as well as showing her under saddle and enjoyed every minute of it and it’s not until writing this that I can see how far we have come. I had basically given up on her, when now she has become more than anything I could have wished for.
If it wasn’t for Guy and Victoria, who has also been there for me throughout the process, my confidence would still be low, I may have got another horse but it wouldn’t of been Lady or meant as much, and I would definitely be uncertain around horses in general. There are so many things I have accomplished, things that i could not have even imagined, so watch out 2013! It’s still a work in progress, and I have much more to learn, the change is clear for everyone to see in Lady. However, over the last few months it has also been nice to feel the change in me
It is now seven months since I first sent Lady to Guy, and I have achieved more than I ever could have ever wished for.
When I was first originally introduced to natural horsemanship, I understood the exercises, and really saw results with my mare, but I didn’t quite understand the theory behind it. With time I began to grasp the concept and horse psychology, whichis a major part of the process. Lady understood from day one, which is why Guys work is massively effective, but the unexpected change has been in me and my horsemanship techniques and relationship with Lady. At the time, I couldn’t see my flaws, but now I can see things in black and white and even if the accident hadn’t happened that day, it would have happened somewhere along the line.
Lady’s education was rushed and had massive holes; she wasn’t ready for the things I was asking her to do, when the basics weren’t there in the first place.
I now apply Guys techniques in many instances with many different horses. It has boosted my confidence and it’s much safer to deal with equines while using these simple methods.
I had always thought I had achieved a bond with my horse, some sort of relationship, but now I see something different. When I communicate with Lady she understands what I want, or with new things she attempts to please, we work in harmony, although I don’t quite manage it like Guy yet! She trusts me when I put her in a number of different situations, and has never put a foot wrong. I hack her out confidently, alone and with company, we went out on the gallops and raced our friends without a second thought, which is something I wouldn’t have dreamt of even before my accident. I have taken her out schooling at the northern racing college, as well as showing her under saddle and enjoyed every minute of it and it’s not until writing this that I can see how far we have come. I had basically given up on her, when now she has become more than anything I could have wished for.
If it wasn’t for Guy and Victoria, who has also been there for me throughout the process, my confidence would still be low, I may have got another horse but it wouldn’t of been Lady or meant as much, and I would definitely be uncertain around horses in general. There are so many things I have accomplished, things that i could not have even imagined, so watch out 2013! It’s still a work in progress, and I have much more to learn, the change is clear for everyone to see in Lady. However, over the last few months it has also been nice to feel the change in me
Danielle Landels & Cassie, Salt-burn by the Sea

Trailer/Wagon Loading
I have owned my mare for 8 years and being a competition horse you would have thought she would be a pleasure to load... You would be wrong. I struggled for 8 years loading my mare. Some days she would load no problems and other days she would rear, kick, bite, bolt and had even jumped cars to get away from loading in a wagon. The final straw came when loading to go affiliated jumping and she impaled herself on a fence after rearing and trying to bolt with me attached the other end! Something had to be done other- wise her jumping days were over. Guy was mentioned to me by a friend who had watched him at her yard. At first I was very dubious as I was never a firm believer in natural horsemanship and I even thought about cancelling my appointment...How very glad that I am that I didn’t. Guy came to work with Cassie and in just 20 minutes he managed to achieve more than what I had in eight years, she loaded. Guy got Cassie to the point where she would walk into the wagon on her own and stand and wait to be told that she could leave. I was amazed. It has now been six months since guy has worked with Cassie and I can truthfully say that I have never had a problem with Cassie loading again. She will load in any wagon at any destination as many times as I need. She can go weeks without going anywhere and will load like a pro time and time again. Guy now has my 3 year old in for starting and I can only imagine the wonders he will do for her. I cannot thank Guy enough for his work with Cassie. I would recommend Guy and his team to anybody.
Danielle Landels
I have owned my mare for 8 years and being a competition horse you would have thought she would be a pleasure to load... You would be wrong. I struggled for 8 years loading my mare. Some days she would load no problems and other days she would rear, kick, bite, bolt and had even jumped cars to get away from loading in a wagon. The final straw came when loading to go affiliated jumping and she impaled herself on a fence after rearing and trying to bolt with me attached the other end! Something had to be done other- wise her jumping days were over. Guy was mentioned to me by a friend who had watched him at her yard. At first I was very dubious as I was never a firm believer in natural horsemanship and I even thought about cancelling my appointment...How very glad that I am that I didn’t. Guy came to work with Cassie and in just 20 minutes he managed to achieve more than what I had in eight years, she loaded. Guy got Cassie to the point where she would walk into the wagon on her own and stand and wait to be told that she could leave. I was amazed. It has now been six months since guy has worked with Cassie and I can truthfully say that I have never had a problem with Cassie loading again. She will load in any wagon at any destination as many times as I need. She can go weeks without going anywhere and will load like a pro time and time again. Guy now has my 3 year old in for starting and I can only imagine the wonders he will do for her. I cannot thank Guy enough for his work with Cassie. I would recommend Guy and his team to anybody.
Danielle Landels
Gemma Bateman & Lady, Epworth

Horse in Training/Confidence Building
I was about to go out hacking when I accidentally caught my mare behind her saddle while mounting. The horse bolted in fear and I still dazed went head first into a car. I was very lucky in having family and friends around me who kept me in recovery position on the floor and reacted quickly phoning an ambulance straight away. They stopped my struggled attempts to get up, and stayed calm even through my confusion and crying. Lady, was quickly caught by a friend, and was put straight into her stable. The ambulance arrived 30 minutes later and I was quickly rushed off to Scunthorpe A&E, with my mum.
I was given gas and air in the ambulance but it did not numb the pain in my lower back. Then in A+E I was given morphine and was kept still with a neck brace until they could get me to XRAY to check that I hadn’t broken anything. Luckily, nothing was broken although they believed I had concussion and a hairline crack in my coccyx. Once I had left the hospital I was violently sick. After a few weeks of rest I was still in pain with even the easiest of tasks such as walking up stairs and it was impossible to drive to college or even to go down to check the horses, so the decision was made to visit the chiropractor who after an assessment came to the conclusion I would not be able to ride for the foreseeable future. After approximately 2 months I was allowed back in the saddle at a walk, but it had never occurred to me that it would have damaged Lady as much psychologically as it had me. She would bolt and get the rider off at any leg pressure, we tried to take her back to basics and start again but the problem only ever occurred when a rider was on her back.
I was nervous and mistakenly misjudged Lady’s actions for naughtiness and labelled her unpredictable. I was stuck in a rut, and had completely lost my nerve to ride even riding school ponies. After trying a few various options I tried an instructor who had a very good reputation but found the problem seemed to be getting worse and I decided the right thing to do would be to get her to a point were I could sell her. I was very upset as I felt I had let Lady down and really didn’t understand her behaviour. My mum rang Vicky and Guy and they took Lady on as we were at our wits end, and did not know what to do. I had decided I would not visit Lady as it would be much harder to sell her on, but after a week I was curious to see how she was doing. The first time I watched Guy ride lady I burst into tears, Lady although still a little worried never bolted and trusted Guy. I felt terrible that all this time I had miss understood her actions and made the situation worse. Guy had made her feel more settled using a variety of confidence exercises on the floor which he could then develop slightly when riding her, these were Lady’s safety net and she understood what Guy wanted and she sought to please. Guy didn’t look at Lady as a problem horse he took her as what she was when she was with him which he described as a green broke horse. The next week I visited, Lady was confident in walk trot and canter, he even rode in a halter at a demonstration in front of a large audience. Although I was still nervous around horses a large weight had been lifted knowing Lady was happy and back to her old self. Guy then suggested I start doing some groundwork, which I reluctantly agreed to, my confidence being at an all time low.
Day to day my confidence grew and I built up to leaning over and eventually getting on. There were many tears along the way as I was so nervous but I felt Guy understood what I was going through and didn’t push me too far. I then began to believe I could do it, and decided that there could be a chance of me keeping Lady, which I had thought about for a while, but had not admitted to myself.
Two months later and I haven’t looked back, I now ride properly in the arena by myself and with others under the watchful and supportive eye of Guy, and have even ventured out into the field walking over trotting poles. Lady now leg yields, side passes, turns on the forehand, she reins back all of which may seem like little steps but have meant the world to me. The yard is so laid back and therapeutic to be around, it is stress free and easy going and the perfect environment for someone nervous. I have gone from someone who thought about giving horses up, who was too scared to ride at all, to a girl who looks forward to riding and cannot wait for the next step. I can now see eventually being able to hack out, go to shows, jump, it has completely opened my world up. I am more confident and a better rider now than I ever was with an improved understanding of horses and it’s all down to Guy Robertson.
Helen Winfield & Daisy, Edwinstowe, Nottinghamshire

Natural Horsemanship Taster Clinic
My 4 year old mare Daisy was incredibly spooky and stressed out and Guys clinic has given me the confidence to ride her and stop being so wary of her. It was a lovely relaxed atmosphere and Guy gave excellent advice and helped me deal with her spooking and rearing and I am now much more confident riding her. I feel I have a much better relationship with Daisy now, both handling and riding and I left the clinic feeling so much more optimistic. I have continued the work that Guy went through and now feel I have a horse I actually like and I'm looking forward to the future with Daisy.
I can thoroughly recommend this clinic to anyone - you can read all the books and watch all the DVD's you like - but nothing is like doing it yourself with a true Horseman there to help you. Guy is very laid back and relaxed (which transfers to all the horses and handlers), patient and eloquent.
I had a lovely day, great company, food and fantastic value!
My 4 year old mare Daisy was incredibly spooky and stressed out and Guys clinic has given me the confidence to ride her and stop being so wary of her. It was a lovely relaxed atmosphere and Guy gave excellent advice and helped me deal with her spooking and rearing and I am now much more confident riding her. I feel I have a much better relationship with Daisy now, both handling and riding and I left the clinic feeling so much more optimistic. I have continued the work that Guy went through and now feel I have a horse I actually like and I'm looking forward to the future with Daisy.
I can thoroughly recommend this clinic to anyone - you can read all the books and watch all the DVD's you like - but nothing is like doing it yourself with a true Horseman there to help you. Guy is very laid back and relaxed (which transfers to all the horses and handlers), patient and eloquent.
I had a lovely day, great company, food and fantastic value!
Andrea Edwards & Remi, Gainsborough, Lincs.

Young Horse Handling Clinic
I really enjoyed the clinic. Guy is a very good teacher, he understands it's us as owners that need the training! I would recommend anyone with a youngster or any horse with a lack of respect to have a few sessions with Guy. I am looking forward to practicing these exercises with Remi.
I really enjoyed the clinic. Guy is a very good teacher, he understands it's us as owners that need the training! I would recommend anyone with a youngster or any horse with a lack of respect to have a few sessions with Guy. I am looking forward to practicing these exercises with Remi.
Bobby Bell & Mighty Classy, Cheshire

Horse in Training - Starting
I sent a 2 year old American Paint Horse to Robertson Horse Training for starting. Guy did a brilliant job and ensured the horse had the best possible introduction to his working life. I would certainly recommend RHT to anyone considering sending a horse to them
I sent a 2 year old American Paint Horse to Robertson Horse Training for starting. Guy did a brilliant job and ensured the horse had the best possible introduction to his working life. I would certainly recommend RHT to anyone considering sending a horse to them
Kim Beavon & Marco, Eastoft, North Lincs

Young Horse Handling Clinic
Guy was absolute magic and even when Marco (and the others at times!) Were being tricky to handle he was happy to take over and relieve the stress!! Personally I have very limited use of one of my hands so control, respect and safety are of paramount importance. I would thoroughly recommend the clinics to young horse owners - or indeed any owners that want to get out and about - but in safety and with the knowledge that there is someone there to help.
I feel that mine and Marcos bond has increased immeasurably and even in a relatively short time I feel that I have learned so much, and gained so many more coping strategies for safety and control.
The whole day was a pleasure - made so by both Guy and Victoria being helpful, knowledgeable and caring.
My many thanks - and I very much look forward to working with you in the future
Thank you, Kim
Guy was absolute magic and even when Marco (and the others at times!) Were being tricky to handle he was happy to take over and relieve the stress!! Personally I have very limited use of one of my hands so control, respect and safety are of paramount importance. I would thoroughly recommend the clinics to young horse owners - or indeed any owners that want to get out and about - but in safety and with the knowledge that there is someone there to help.
I feel that mine and Marcos bond has increased immeasurably and even in a relatively short time I feel that I have learned so much, and gained so many more coping strategies for safety and control.
The whole day was a pleasure - made so by both Guy and Victoria being helpful, knowledgeable and caring.
My many thanks - and I very much look forward to working with you in the future
Thank you, Kim
Wendy & Claire Gibbons, Hibaldstow, North Lincolnshire

Horse in Training - Retraining
"We would just like to say a massive thank you to Guy for all the hard work he put into him and turning him into a horse to be proud of.
It only seems a very short time ago when we were calling in tears for help after a distressing and failed attempt someone had made to load him over an afternoon. Blue was hurt and frightened and we didn't know where to turn next.
After a few weeks with Guy he looked like a different horse, he will always be what we would describe as 'a character' but now he does everything that he is supposed to and everyone that meets him loves him."
Thank you Guy!!!!
"We would just like to say a massive thank you to Guy for all the hard work he put into him and turning him into a horse to be proud of.
It only seems a very short time ago when we were calling in tears for help after a distressing and failed attempt someone had made to load him over an afternoon. Blue was hurt and frightened and we didn't know where to turn next.
After a few weeks with Guy he looked like a different horse, he will always be what we would describe as 'a character' but now he does everything that he is supposed to and everyone that meets him loves him."
Thank you Guy!!!!
Helen Wainman, Doncaster, South Yorkshire
Horse in Training, Starting
"Cora spent 8 weeks a Guys yard to be started at 4 year old. She went a typical bolshy youngster and returned a respectful horse who felt like she had been ridden for years. I spent time with guy watching and ‘training’ Cora myself whilst she was there. Guy’s methods are kind, ridiculously effective and so easy to learn to carry on at home. I would recommend anyone to attend a demo event and after 10 minutes you’ll never want to use ‘traditional’ methods with your horse again!"
"Cora spent 8 weeks a Guys yard to be started at 4 year old. She went a typical bolshy youngster and returned a respectful horse who felt like she had been ridden for years. I spent time with guy watching and ‘training’ Cora myself whilst she was there. Guy’s methods are kind, ridiculously effective and so easy to learn to carry on at home. I would recommend anyone to attend a demo event and after 10 minutes you’ll never want to use ‘traditional’ methods with your horse again!"
Kim Marie Walsh, Carlton
Horse in Training
Guy had my Ellie Mae for 2 weeks. she was not so much of a problem horse but more of a bossy mare who liked to take control over situations when handling her from the ground but after spending two weeks with guy she is now respectful of my space, she will stand and wait till i am ready to go, loads straight onto the horse box.
With her only been 4 years old her flat work did need some brushing up on as she was lazy and used me for balance now she is fantastic in every aspect. thanks guy very much appreciated. Kim and Ellie Mae
Guy had my Ellie Mae for 2 weeks. she was not so much of a problem horse but more of a bossy mare who liked to take control over situations when handling her from the ground but after spending two weeks with guy she is now respectful of my space, she will stand and wait till i am ready to go, loads straight onto the horse box.
With her only been 4 years old her flat work did need some brushing up on as she was lazy and used me for balance now she is fantastic in every aspect. thanks guy very much appreciated. Kim and Ellie Mae
Lisa McLean, Roche Abbey

Horsemanship Lessons
After owning horses for over 30 years, I thought buying a 6 month colt would be easy, after all I know everything!....Don’t I?
Well It turned out I knew very little, after struggling to keep my youngsters feet on the ground, and having little or no control, it came to a time when I no longer enjoyed dealing with him, and avoided having to handle or lead him, he was food aggressive, had separation anxiety and had no respect for any bodies space. With my husband telling me my horse was feral and he dreaded the winter months approaching I knew I needed to gain some control…but didn’t know where to start…I felt like a failure!
I heard about Guy via my vets and contacted him for advice. From the offset it was apparent Guy had my horse’s interest first and foremost, and gave me several options. The option I chose was to have 1-2-1 sessions with Guy, and he came to my house to meet myself and Romeo for our first assessment and training session!
Guy was calm, patient and so gentle with Romeo….yet was firm enough to gain Romeos respect and attention… was amazing to watch Guy in action, and the communication he had with Romeo….he made it look so easy, and I thought I’d never be able to do the same.
Oh me of little faith….. Guy made it as easy for me to understand as he did for Romeo…he didn’t just show me what to do, but also explained why we were doing it, and how it could, and would all transfer into when Romeo was to become a riding horse…..and it made sense!
So after our first session, I was still cynical as to how Romeo would work for me once Guy left us to our own devices. I needn’t have worried I put into play what Guy had explained and it all fell into place.
After only three sessions I took Romeo by himself for a walk through woods and across open fields, something that would have previously filled me with dread! But he was amazing; he listened to me, respected my space……and kept all four feet on the ground…..something previously unheard of.
I would like to thank Guy for sharing his knowledge with me, and empowering me to understand my youngster, I would recommend him to anybody who is having difficulties with their horse of any age. He has certainly made the world a better and much safer place for me and my youngster! I am now looking forward to attending his Young Horse Handling Clinic, and next year I will be taking my youngster out and about on the showing circuit…….with confidence and control!
After owning horses for over 30 years, I thought buying a 6 month colt would be easy, after all I know everything!....Don’t I?
Well It turned out I knew very little, after struggling to keep my youngsters feet on the ground, and having little or no control, it came to a time when I no longer enjoyed dealing with him, and avoided having to handle or lead him, he was food aggressive, had separation anxiety and had no respect for any bodies space. With my husband telling me my horse was feral and he dreaded the winter months approaching I knew I needed to gain some control…but didn’t know where to start…I felt like a failure!
I heard about Guy via my vets and contacted him for advice. From the offset it was apparent Guy had my horse’s interest first and foremost, and gave me several options. The option I chose was to have 1-2-1 sessions with Guy, and he came to my house to meet myself and Romeo for our first assessment and training session!
Guy was calm, patient and so gentle with Romeo….yet was firm enough to gain Romeos respect and attention… was amazing to watch Guy in action, and the communication he had with Romeo….he made it look so easy, and I thought I’d never be able to do the same.
Oh me of little faith….. Guy made it as easy for me to understand as he did for Romeo…he didn’t just show me what to do, but also explained why we were doing it, and how it could, and would all transfer into when Romeo was to become a riding horse…..and it made sense!
So after our first session, I was still cynical as to how Romeo would work for me once Guy left us to our own devices. I needn’t have worried I put into play what Guy had explained and it all fell into place.
After only three sessions I took Romeo by himself for a walk through woods and across open fields, something that would have previously filled me with dread! But he was amazing; he listened to me, respected my space……and kept all four feet on the ground…..something previously unheard of.
I would like to thank Guy for sharing his knowledge with me, and empowering me to understand my youngster, I would recommend him to anybody who is having difficulties with their horse of any age. He has certainly made the world a better and much safer place for me and my youngster! I am now looking forward to attending his Young Horse Handling Clinic, and next year I will be taking my youngster out and about on the showing circuit…….with confidence and control!
Sarah Watson, Doncaster
Clinic Participant
My horse was an absolute nightmare, she reared, had no manners, kicked out, couldn't be caught or loaded, she'd stop and refuse to move, snatch the reins and bucked. After working with Guy, she's relaxed, respectful, loads onto a trailer, she hasn't reared, bucked, kicked or pushed since and I feel so much more confident knowing I can control her, I always have a laugh with Guy and not only does he work with your horse but he works with you too. If I hadn't found Guy I would have sold my horse by now so I'm extremely grateful and I would recommend him to anyone!
My horse was an absolute nightmare, she reared, had no manners, kicked out, couldn't be caught or loaded, she'd stop and refuse to move, snatch the reins and bucked. After working with Guy, she's relaxed, respectful, loads onto a trailer, she hasn't reared, bucked, kicked or pushed since and I feel so much more confident knowing I can control her, I always have a laugh with Guy and not only does he work with your horse but he works with you too. If I hadn't found Guy I would have sold my horse by now so I'm extremely grateful and I would recommend him to anyone!
Vanessa Taperell, York

Horse in Training
In Feb 2011 I made an impulse purchase at York Horse Sales and aquired a 17hh warmblood just rising 5yo. He had been broken in the summer but then had done little prior to going to the sale. After a few weeks a couple of issues started to crop up...he wouldn't stand still to be mounted to the point where he trotted off when I had just swung my leg over the saddle, he then did a series of bucks a...nd I was deposited on the ground ouch. He also started to become very difficult to load in the trailer and would just rear higher and higher, avoiding putting a foot on the ramp. A friend of mine had sent her cob to Guy to be broken and highly recommended him. Mateus stayed with Guy for 3 weeks and each time I went to see him I was amazed at the progress. Mateus was always calm and relaxed (which is exactly how Guy is). The results...Mateus now stands like a statue to be mounted and patiently waits until I give the signal to move off. Guy showed me a techique that he has found successful for loading and everytime I load him now I use this method,its very simple and it works everytime, no stress, no force.
When Mateus came home I also noticed how patient he his to be tied up, groomed, tacked up etc when prior to going to guys he would be swinging about and anxiously looking for his field companions. Anybody wanting to give their horse the best possible start to its ridden life whether its hacking or competing should have a chat with Guy.
In Feb 2011 I made an impulse purchase at York Horse Sales and aquired a 17hh warmblood just rising 5yo. He had been broken in the summer but then had done little prior to going to the sale. After a few weeks a couple of issues started to crop up...he wouldn't stand still to be mounted to the point where he trotted off when I had just swung my leg over the saddle, he then did a series of bucks a...nd I was deposited on the ground ouch. He also started to become very difficult to load in the trailer and would just rear higher and higher, avoiding putting a foot on the ramp. A friend of mine had sent her cob to Guy to be broken and highly recommended him. Mateus stayed with Guy for 3 weeks and each time I went to see him I was amazed at the progress. Mateus was always calm and relaxed (which is exactly how Guy is). The results...Mateus now stands like a statue to be mounted and patiently waits until I give the signal to move off. Guy showed me a techique that he has found successful for loading and everytime I load him now I use this method,its very simple and it works everytime, no stress, no force.
When Mateus came home I also noticed how patient he his to be tied up, groomed, tacked up etc when prior to going to guys he would be swinging about and anxiously looking for his field companions. Anybody wanting to give their horse the best possible start to its ridden life whether its hacking or competing should have a chat with Guy.
Fran Robinson, Belshaw Natives, Isle Of Axholme

Guy has broken, started, boxed, ridden and looked after all of my ponies at some point. I must say his talents are innate, the trust he gains from horses in minutes is amazing, they try so hard to please him it is humbling to watch. I am truly inspired by his methods patience and abilities. For many years I have been discontented with conventional methods yet not knowing what... I was looking for, now I know. Guys approach is perfect for all horses, problems or not, no gadgets or silly bits, oppressive practice or aggression, the horse can maintain its dignity. Amongst many pieces of work, Guy has resolved a mounting problem on a very quirky cob in one session that myself and other professionals could see no resolution to. Broken a cob which I am delighted to say is already performing tasks in an outline and shape you would expect from an experienced horse. To conclude I would like to add that he is the most amazing rider, riding with such balance and feeling I can truly say he is does he do that!!!!!!!
Belshaw Natives, Breeders of Welsh Section C’s, D’s and Highlands.
Belshaw Natives, Breeders of Welsh Section C’s, D’s and Highlands.